Dear friends and family,
Each week has its adventure. We were living in a home that was being rented and due to an inheritance issue the current owner came angrily and drunken to kick us "foreigners" out. He brought a few people with him and accused us of many made up and false things. Our overseer instructed us to get up and get into the van immediately and leave. Being verbally attacked in the van was a little scary. I was kind of in shock.
It took a few days for us to find a different house and we were kept from doing our normal outreach ministry in the villages. But the Enemy was not able to divide or shake us as a team. We instantly turned to God in prayer and worship. We all had peace. We prayed that God would have mercy on on tht man who was taken over by evil. He did not know what he was doing. He didn't persecute us. He offended and accused the living God. In Romans 12:19 it says to not avenge ourselves. God brings justice upon the matters that deserve it. I thank God that He gives us the opportunity to partake in peace within our hearts instead of anger and stress. We just need to look to Him for that; and thats the hard part ;-)
Praise Reports:
~God is showing himself to some through healings
~All of us our healthy and able to do ministry every night
~God brought our team about $700 dollars last week. Our leader Liz was fasting for finances during that time :-)
Prayer Requests:
~That God would show himself clearly to the people in the villages despite the language barrier.
~Its starting to get to the point that all of us team members are really getting to know eachtother. Pray that we will be like Jesus towards one another.
~Finances. We still have not met our budgetary goal.
Thanks for taking the time to read about our current matters! Thanks for your prayers.

With love, Mallory

Beautiful Fruit

Wow now that we have started to reach out to the southern villages, time is flying by. Every other day Tues-Sat we go to a new village. The first night is dramas, worship, dancing, testimonies and preaching and then the 2nd night we split up into pairs and and go to several houses and share the story of Jesus in detail and get to know individual families on a personal level. Every time we do it, its different, never dull. There is always fruit! At least one person always raises their hand and chooses to believe in God and wants Him in their hearts. The first time I saw it happen I was brought to tears. I have never been a part of something like that.
We spend a lot of time traveling in this little van, and at night after outreach, we are so tired and delirious that we do share some really funny moments. Its a good bonding time.
Monday was our day off and we went to this beach city called Pondicherry. The Bay of Bengal was warm so I ran in. The tide was pretty strong, but it was fun to swim. I was trying to get out and I got distracted by the seashells, so I am facing the shore shouting at my team mates that I am going to look for some and this crazy fast and strong wave came underneath me and knocked me on my butt. It was so funny! I landed on water so there was no pain involved. Well I love and miss you all. Take good care of yourself!
Prayer Requests:
-That the Holy Spirit would stir in the peoples hearts
- We would be given the energy and endurance to keep going strong
-I would be comfortable and have a positive attitude.
-Finances would come in so that we don't have to have that in the back of our minds, and so we would be able to stay for the whole 5 months.